About Google dominance and its RankBrain algorithm

SEO and Google

The dominance of Google Google soon became the search engine of choice when it was launched in 1998 and by the early 2000s was, by far, the main arterial route of traffic to websites. Consistently providing the best search service to users has allowed Google to become the dominant search engine we all know today.…

search engine optimisation frequently asked questions (SEO FAQs)

Search Engine Optimisation FAQs

These search engine optimisation FAQs are just a short list of commonly asked questions about SEO and the acronyms used. Much more can be found at the wonderful Wikipeidia website about SEO.   What are ‘Organic Search Results’? Organic search results are the ‘free’ listings displayed by search engines. Their algorithms are designed to present…

Photograph with a search field containing the search terms 'find a website designer close to me'

How to choose a website designer

How to choose a website designer is a pressing question when you have made the decision to invest in a professionally designed website. There are many website designers to choose from so how do you find the best fit for you and your business? Your budget Naturally your budget is the initial consideration so finding the…